YAY!!  Your photos are done and you have your link!  

Now what?  

The link that was provided to you gives you the option of downloading your images in High Resolution.  You are also set at NO PRICE POINT.  What does this mean? That means your photo's are set to my cost.  This means your prints are 29 cents a piece, not $1.49 +.    You can download your photo's to your desktop, then spend all that time uploading to other websites, or driving to a location and printing them out as a kiosk, but the cost is almost the same.  For the few extra pennies, you get your images printed on archival paper, the paper is thicker, it won't fade after a year, and its Kodak labs.  It will look the same in 15 years as the day you get it.  You spent all this time preparing for your shoot, and you have the opportunity to purchase your images at my cost.  Of course it's always an option to spend all that time downloading to upload to save 5 cents an image, but that image will most likely not look the same in a year. 


At the top right hand corner of your link click SELECT PHOTOS 

Look to the left and click SELECT ALL 

Look to the right and click DOWNLOAD 

Your files will start downloading in the bottom left hand corner as a zip file.  Once that is completed, you need to go to your download folder or click on that box, unzip the files (once its done download click UNZIP FILES) Once the images are unzipped, then you will be able to drag them over to a folder on your desktop.